Tuesday, 28 July 2015

From non-techie to ICT4D enthusiast

Pic:Me in a pink blouse on the far left. I attended the Mhealth Conference as
part of my ICT4D Course learning. Also pictured is Malawi's mhealth team
listening to a presentation on UAV's for health by BD Tech's Adam Curry

I first heard of the term ICT4D in May 2014 during the TERENA Networking Conference that I was privileged to attend in Dublin, Ireland. One of the participants there  mentioned that he was studying ICT4D and it seemed like total Greek to me.  I was a not a technical person. At that time, ICT related issues were very new to me as I had just started working as Communications Officer for UbuntuNet Alliance, a regional people organization involved in managing and using high speed data networks.

 It was this desire to learn all that I could learn  about my job and about ICT and Internet issues that lead me to apply for the Course Innovation and ICT4D in the Global South offered  by ONG 2.O.  So, when I was offered the scholarship in February 2015, naturally, I was thrilled. Despite the fact that I had no idea what the course would entail, I knew that this was the Course that would make me to better understand ICTs and to be innovative and stellar  in my job as Communications Officer for the Alliance.

Like any worthwhile venture, challenges tend to present themselves. My biggest challenge was a caution by colleagues that the slow and unreliable Internet in Malawi would probably not  be able to support five months of training via webinars! My dream of becoming ICT4D savvy was about to end as mere cloud in the Malawian sky. I decided to die trying and pursue the ICT4D Course anyway. And like most girls from Southern Africa my biggest challenge turned out to be really a battle of courage and confidence, a battle in the mind.

 Five months later, precisely today, June 28, I have received my certificate from our ICT4D Course Coordinator Serena Carta. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and I hope it would not be cliché to say “Thank you ONG 2.0.  Thank you for taking me Patricia Mtungila from a state of not knowing the meaning of ICT4D, or never having being part of a webinar to a present state of being able to practically assess and establish the innovation needs of my organization and to be present a clear road map to efficiency. I really do wonder if there is another course out there that could do this!

 I am by no means fully knowledgeable on all that there is to know about emerging and present Appropriate  Technology  but I have a sustainable understanding of what it is that development organizations should avoid in implementing projects to promote agriculture, health, democracy and even learning. ICT4D is a relatively new field of study and presents a very dynamic landscape. Yet, through the theoretical modules, I have acquired the gut or indeed skill to  design monitor and evaluate development projects that can use different technology from the radio, basic phones and smart phones, to the internet and web-based platforms such as COMCARE to the technology that is still treading along ethical lines like the drones or unmanned vehicles.

Through practical sessions  with tech leaders from Africa like Nambuwani Wasike   and the world  and facilitators  like Gianluca Iazzolino, Giacomo Rambaldi,  Paola Fava  and Maurizio Bricolla and many others who have implemented very successful and practical ICT4D projects, I have gained practical skills in designing ICT4D projects. To being a part of a global community of rich pool of participants from Malawi to Rwanda, Italy, Iran, Australia and the rest of the globe. It has been inspiring to see Projects by these innovations that are revolutionizing the public  health sector in my country, from a deathtrap to a  sphere of hope and a leader in ehealth and mhealth  innovation in the region.

 I know, now, that ICT4D have real life impact. To learn texts messages enabled by the application TextiT are  helping save expectant mothers by reminding them of antenatal visits  is inspiring. I am inspired by these new technologies that are saving the lives of women and babies in my nation because  I personally can count the number of women that I knew who died in childbirth or due to  preventable maternal related issues.

Now, from studying this course, I can categorically state that ICTs are channel for attaining development.  Practical would be for development organisations not to shun these new technology but to consider them as potential accelerators for their efforts.  Innovatively leveraging on these technologies is the principle.  For the “tech-thirsty” orgnaisations that are salivating to be the first to apply the newest and fastest  tech in the game, remember that  “ICTs are not an end in themselves,” as others have already said.

So be it a Project using drones or the feature phones that I am faced with managing, I am passionate and confident to  know that I can manage it for the greater good thanks to this online Course in Innovation and ICT4D in the Global South. It has been a win-all  situation for me and there is no looking back. I would recommend that more people from the developing world  should  attain this Course  in the soonest.  I, on the other hand,  am not waiting for the future to share my newly found cause, my journey to illuminating my nation, Malawi and the Africa region to the world of innovation and ICT4D has already started.   Journey with me!